Thank you for visiting the eAPIS Internet web site and reviewing our privacy policy. This is an official web site of the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and is provided as a public service. We do not collect personally-identifiable information of visitors or registered Users on this site unless we specifically advise you that we are doing so. However, all information as it relates to submission of a manifest, including Sender ID, time submitted, etc., is stored in our system. Such information may be traced to the original registrant. All manifest information submitted through eAPIS is protected under current statutes and regulations governing the Advance Passenger Information System.
Information Collected and Stored Automatically: When you visit our web site to read pages or download information we may automatically collect and store the following non-identifying information:
We maintain the above information in system logs. We use this information to make our site more useful to visitors by learning the number of visitors to our site, the number of pages served, and the level of demand for specific pages.
We generally do not use cookies, which are files or file entries placed on your computer's hard drive by a web site that allows monitoring of your use of the site. However, we do use Transient Cookies. Transient cookies are only held in memory and go away when you exit the browser.
eAPIS permits submission of manifest information over the Internet. The following additional policies apply to personally-identifiable information collected during a registered user's session.
Once an approved username and password is accepted for use in a particular session of eAPIS, all actions may be recorded and transmitted to CBP. In addition to the information listed above (Policy for All Visitors), CBP may collect and use other information, to include, but not be limited to, the following:
Information Collected from e-mail: When you send us personally-identifying information in an e-mail, we use this information only to help us respond to the request. In doing so, information you submit may be viewed by various people within CBP. Public notices issued by CBP in which interested persons are invited to comment by e-mail will contain a notice of what we intend to do with the data gathered. Once received, the information in your e-mail is protected in accordance with law (e.g., the Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information Act).
Security, Intrusion, and Detection: For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, this government computer system employs software programs to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. Use of this system constitutes consent to such monitoring and auditing. An e-mail is not necessarily secure against interception. Whether or not an e-mail is encrypted in transmission depends on your software.
Links to Other Web Sites: Our web site contains links to other federal agencies, international agencies, and private organizations. Once you link to another site you, are subject to the policies of the new site.
Policy for Registration and Users of eAPIS: eAPIS permits submission of manifest information over the Internet. The following additional policies apply to personally-identifiable information required to be provided in response to a CBP survey. For each survey, we provide an explanation to respondents about the confidentiality of the data and the laws that protect that data. To protect your privacy, in the remote chance that your survey responses are intercepted, all web data submissions are encrypted.